Karsten Homann

Expert for motivation & performance enhancement



Personality, Success & Motivation


Karsten Homann
Speaker Karsten Homann
  • ⭐️Impulsvortrag für mentale Gesundheit und persönlichen Erfolg!" - Karsten Homann Farbpsychologe⭐️

  • Karsten Homann Keynote Speaker Trailer 2020 1

  • Weiße Räume sind Körperverletzung - Vorschau

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Keynote Speaker Karsten Homann (Farbpsychologie für mehr Glück und Erfolg)

  • Weiße Räume sind Körperverletzung | Karsten Homann

  • Farbpsychologie - das sagt deine Lieblingsfarbe über dich aus | SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen

  • Faszination Pink - welchen Effekt hat die Farbe auf unsere Psyche? | SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen

  • Welche Farbe zu welchem Anlass? Eine Farbpsychologin weiß Bescheid | SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen

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Karsten Homann, Germany's best-known color psychologist, is an expert in motivation & performance enhancement with color psychology. He takes the MEGATRENDS "Health" & "New Work" as well as the global sustainability goals: "Health & Well-being" in conjunction with "Decent Work and Economic Growth" from the perspective of the color psychologist and craft entrepreneur!  True to his motto: "Color psychology, the greatest success factor in the world!". With over two decades of experience as a trade entrepreneur, Karsten Homann managed a flourishing painting business with 15 dedicated employees. He skillfully combines the experience and knowledge gained during this time with his expertise in color psychology. Today, the book author goes beyond the stage and is a regular guest in the media: SAT.1, Antenne Bayern, RTL, BR1, WDR 2 and many more. In workshops, seminars and lectures, Karsten Homann succeeds in taking participants into the world of colors and their effect on people. He knows how to convey complex and scientifically sound findings in a unique storytelling style in a visual, easy and understandable way and to inspire.


Strengths-oriented leadership - 
What you can learn from the craft! 

  • How leadership succeeds and what companies can learn from the skilled trades
  • A team is like a toolbox - there is someone for every purpose
  • Results orientation vs. personal responsibility - How common goals become a growth driver

Color as a success factor - 
Color psychology, the greatest success factor in the world!

  • The power of color! What you can learn from Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Gucci for your company's growth
  • How color psychology works, releases energy and sustainably increases motivation
  • The ideal color tone makes the difference! How to generate more sales with the right color for your products and corporate design

Show your colors! - 
The 13 factors for best performance

  • A sense of self-efficacy! How to recognize, understand and make targeted use of your strengths
  • Personality as a success factor! Only those who know themselves can work well with others
  • Type orientation! How to increase team performance with a system and strengths orientation

Painting black was yesterday! - 
Color psychology as the key to confidence, health & motivation

  • How color influences mental health 
  • How to reduce sick days and increase performance with 10 specific, practical tips
  • How to make the office fun with your color & interior design

References & Press

Known from:



Excerpt of company references: Sparkasse Hamm, Dortmunder Volksbank, BAG Bank, Gutmann Events, Santa Isabel e.V., Europa-Park, First Debit, Savamea AG, Maquis Import, Unitron global, Sonova, Provinzial Versicherungen, ...


Customer testimonials:

"Conclusion of this informative evening: No color and style advice, but a lot of knowledge about what color can do and how even colored light influences our subconscious. Enthusiastic listeners go home and rethink their rooms, their clothes, their workplace." 

Press Europapark 

"Moving things, innovating the traditional and conveying the fun of change" is and remains the main driving force of Karsten Homann, the painter who has always wanted to do more than "recommend a fresh stone gray"..." 

Maker Magazine


"Dear Mr. Homann, your lecture on Tuesday this week at Europa-Park was very inspiring. Your explanations about the effect of different colors had an aha effect for me. Especially the effect of dark blue. Some things are clearer to me now. Keep up the good work :-) Kind regards" 

Feedback from a participant (presentation "Let's finally think green and yellow again")

"Recommended to everyone, you can go into depth in a short time, very compact and profound... completely different understanding of people...simple methodology of cards and colors, expresses 100% of what is in you..." 

Stephan Wolff, CEO Savamea AG


"...most people realized that all people are different - and that this is a good thing. It became clear that it is important to empathize with the "other" before judging him/her...I would not have expected our employees to come away from a one-day seminar with so many insights. What they take away from the one day is very valuable for their practical work. ...I'm looking forward to the next round!" 

Sabrina Pichler, Personnel Officer Sparkasse Hamm



Wenn Dir die Decke auf den Kopf fällt, streich sie einfach himmelblau

ISBN : 9783982131108

19.90 €



ISBN : 978-3-9864117-0-1

29.00 €



Luft nach oben von Barbara Fernandez

Karsten Homann im Interview

Die Wirkung von Farben

‎„HELDENstunde. Für ein gesundes und bewusstes Leben.“ auf Apple Podcasts

POD Podcast für Entscheider

Weiße Räume sind Körperverletzung

Warum Farbe dir zu einem besseren Mindset hilft

#163 Weiße Räume sind Körperverletzung - warum & wie Farbe Dir zu einem besseren Mindset hilft mit Karsten Homann & Carsten Wölffling

Die Macht der Farben

Greator – Inspiration, Motivation & Erfolg: #715 So beeinflusst du das Unterbewusstsein // Karsten Homann


Expert Marketplace - Karsten Homann - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Karsten Homann - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Karsten Homann - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Karsten Homann - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Karsten Homann - Impressions 4



Presentation types

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Practical relevance

  • Interview

  • Business talk

  • Infotainment

  • Online lecture

Required equipment
