1. what can the chatbot do?

We provide you with instructions on how to create your expert profile and what you should pay particular attention to. You can find all the recommendations for your ideal profile under point 2. We provide you with our profile guide to help you with the wording. The profile guide can only be used with Chat-GPT 4o. Click here for the profile guide.

The Profile Guide provides support in the spirit and formulation of Speakers Excellence:

  • Formulating a mission statement: Support in creating a concise mission statement.

  • Writing a CV: Help with the formulation of a coherent CV analogue to the Speakers Excellence Guidelines.

  • Formulating topics: Support in structuring and formulating presentation topics.

  • Finding suitable keywords: Recommendations for relevant keywords based on your content.

  • Assign category: Assistance in assigning a suitable category from our pre-defined category selection.

  • Formulate sample references: Support in creating convincing references.

What else can the chatbot do:

  • Answer FAQs: Profile Guide can answer general questions, such as ‘What is an expert video call?’ or ‘What do the terms and conditions say?’.

  • Information on setting up a profile: Profile Guide can provide information on how to set up an expert profile, as well as describe the required content.

  • Formulation tips: Profile Guide offers general tips on formulating profile content.

2. prompting tips (chat questions)

• Ask specific questions that include the name of the professional section for which you would like support. • Include an action word. • Feed Profile Guide with information about yourself, such as your CV and / or your topics -> The more information our chatbot has about you, the more appropriate the answers will be.

The profile sections are:

  • Mission statement

  • Vita

  • Topics

  • References

  • Keywords

  • Category

2.1 Example questions

2.1.1 Generate profile content

Formulate a guiding principle:

  • ‘Formulate a suitable guiding principle for me based on the following topics and CV: [topics, CV / profile].’

  • ‘Please reformulate the following CV according to the Speakers Excellence standards: [Vita].’

Formulate topics:

  • ‘Based on the following information, formulate topic suggestions for my expert profile: [keywords / information on your expertise, specialist area]

    E.g. change management, dissolution of manual processes, strong through digitalisation, support for managers’

  • ‘Formulate topic suggestions based on the following CV: [Your CV / profile].’

Find suitable keywords:

  • ‘Give me suitable keywords for my expert profile based on the following information: [Your topics and / or your CV]’

Assign a category:

  • ‘Please help me assign a suitable category based on the following information: [CV, topics].’

Formulate sample references:

  • ‘Please show me sample references.’

2.1.2 Queries for more accurate / better results

If you receive multiple results for your question, e.g. when listing applicable categories, ask questions. Also ask questions if you want to improve or check your results:

  • ‘Which answer best applies to me’?

  • ‘Can you give me any other suggestions?’

  • ‘Can you give me (further) suggestions taking into account the following aspect: [aspect]?’

  • ‘What further information do you need from me to achieve an even better answer?’

  • ‘What information is missing for my profile to be complete?’

2.1.3 General questions

  • ‘What content do I need for a complete expert profile?’

    ‘Please give me tips on how to formulate [profile section].’

    ‘What should I pay attention to when creating my profile?’

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